welcome to the juize bar!

Feeling powerless? Take a seat and allow us to juize you up!  Be the first to enjoy freshly squeezed news, meet our (generally) inspiring and knowledgeable (yet sometimes opinionated) experts, download their video tips, tricks and life-hacks and catch up on juizy skinner from other juize lovers!


juizebox – an introduction

“Don’t allow loadshedding to disrupt your life! Take back your power! Visit www.juizebox.co.za to see how. Because life is simpler with juize. With a zzz…”
Feeling powerless? Get yourself a little juize and turn frustration into peace of mind. www.juizebox.co.za

“Power you can take anywhere!” Visit www.juizebox.co.za to find out how you can juize up your life. Juize. With a zzz…

Power to perform. Power to play. Juize where and when you need it! www.juizebox.co.za. With a zzz…
Don’t be caught in the dark. Get yourself some juize and take control! www.juizebox.co.za. With a zzz…
Juize… never be caught without it! Visit www.juizebox.co.za to fill up! Juize… with a zzz…

The questions everyone is asking

​​It is a standing invitation: ask us anything, anytime!

There is no such thing as a stupid question. That said, chances are that someone else had asked the same question already. We will list those questions and answers here for your benefit. You may find the answer you are looking for without having to type a mail or make a call!