about juize

a juizy story

10 Years ago, Sarel De Witt, an Electronic Engineer had an idea.  He specialised in Wireless Communications, was attending an event one night and saw a chance to replace the customary hardware in the lighting department with wireless technology.  Little did he know this one idea would completely revolutionise the Eventing Industry as we knew it!
The impact of this shift was massive.  Not only were there more options available to the industry, the cost of staffing dropped, set-up and strike times were minimised and the clincher was that the overall budget of any function was lowered exponentially.
Alas, as with most entertainment and hospitality businesses, things took a deep dive in 2020 with the advent of Covid-19.

“I was forced to adapt, diversify and identify other opportunities to generate income.  The lesson I had learned 10 years ago was if you could solve a problem for people, you might just have a product that could sell and change the way people operate!”

So what was the main problem that everyone was facing?
As the lights went out for the fourth time that week, he realised what it was.  Loadshedding.  A uniquely South African reality that affects everyone – across the board.  Homes.  Businesses.  And, as the pandemic forced people to work more and more from home – Home Offices.  Generators are noisy and expensive and the power dips continue to cause social and financial mayhem.

“So the problem was clear, people need convenient backup power at a very affordable price to be able to operate at home and at the office.”

Sarel is more of a solution than a problem kind of guy. And it just so happened that he had already designed and built prototypes for such a product a few years ago. With a few tweaks and numerous consultations with manufacturers here and abroad, the juizebox finally went into production. As the first consignment goes on sale, he is already prototyping the next one…. So watch this space!

The juizebox is a proudly South African product. Designed by, and made for South Africans!